▪️杏鮑菇 4條
▪️老薑 1塊
▪️辣椒 1條
▪️九層塔、麻油 適量
▪️醬油 1大匙
▪️糖 1小匙
▪️胡椒粉、花椒粉、油 適量
▪️水 100c.c
✨慈悲的龍德上師 成立「觀音山蔬食館」提倡健康素食、慈悲護生,以”觀音山素食料理簡單做”的理念,提供多款素食食譜,讓您一學就會!
Fried & shredded king oyster mushrooms tastes crunchy and springy. The savory sauce mixed by old ginger, sesame oil, soy sauce, and pepper powder creates a very satisfying and flavorful tastes to the mushrooms. It’s crispy and delicious. Each bite is full of the fragrance of basil. Skip the restaurant and make your own classic Taiwanese home-style cooking at home. Follow the chef of Guanyinshan, and make vegetarian dishes together!
◎Ingredients : (For 3 people)
▪️Four king oyster mushrooms
▪️A piece of ginger
▪️A chili
▪️Basil、Sesame oil , adequate amount
▪️Soy sauce 1 tbsp
▪️Sugar 1tsp
▪️Pepper、Pricklyash powder、Oil , adequate amount
▪️Water 100c.c
◎ Instructions:
【Cutting/ PREP-Ahead】
1. Tear the king oyster mushrooms into strips by hand, and blanch for about 15 seconds and drain.
2. Slice ginger and chili.
3. Crispy skewers: Thread king oyster mushrooms on skewers (around 8 skewer of king oyster mushrooms).
【Cooking Steps】
1. Crispy skewers (stringed king oyster mushrooms): deep-fried in a pot until golden brown to make them crispy and springy. Set aside to cool & remove the skewers, and then place on a plate.
2. Turn on a low heat, pour in the sesame oil and saute the ginger slices until fragrant.
3. Put in the crispy skewers (fried king oyster mushrooms) and stir-fry quickly over high heat, add peppers.
4. Add soy sauce, sugar, pepper powder, pepper powder and stir fry quickly.
5. Add 100cc of water to cook. When the sauce is almost thicken and king oystery mushrooms glazed, put basil in and fry quickly. When the sauce is completely dry, it’s time to dish up and enjoy!
This recipe is provided by: Chef Jing Ya, Taichung Guanyinshan Green Restaurant
觀音山 素食料理簡單做
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