▪中筋麵粉 300克
▪太白粉 200克
▪海菜 300克
▪油 少許
▪胡椒粉 適量
3. 瀝油後,灑上少許胡椒粉即可食用。
??本食譜提供:澎湖 觀音山蔬食館 主廚 樂祺
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? The green crispy crust of the pancake in this recipe contains seaweed. Each bite can taste fine sea flavor. It is low-calorie and rich in dietary fiber. It is most suitable for the whole family to enjoy. Quickly follow the chef of Guanyinshan. Let’s make vegetarian dishes together!
【Cutting/PREP ahead】
1. Wash and chop the seaweed and set aside.
2. Add all-purpose flour, cornstarch, chopped seaweed, an appropriate amount of drinking water and knead evenly until the dough is not sticky. Then add a little oil and knead again.
3. Divide the dough into even pieces and pat them flat.
【Cooking steps】
1. Heat pan & add oil, and then fry the pancake doughs over medium heat.
2. When they are slightly golden, turn to high heat and fry a bit more to make the surface crispy.
3. After draining the oil off, sprinkle the pancakes with a little pepper.
【Special Notes】
If needed to store in the freezer, place a layer of food wrap in between the pancake doughs to avoid sticking together.
??This recipe is provided by Chef Le Qi, Penghu. #Guanyinshan Green Restaurant
? 歡迎轉載,請註明出處:觀音山 素食料理簡單做 GYSVegan 素食環保愛地球,健康營養無負擔,慈悲護生一起來~?