▪️馬鈴薯 1-2顆
▪️濃湯包(一人份) 3包
▪️牛奶 100cc
▪️海帶芽 20克
▪️黑胡椒粒 適量
▪️水 600cc
??本食譜提供:台中 #觀音山蔬食館 主廚 淨雅
✨慈悲的龍德上師 成立「觀音山蔬食館」提倡健康素食、慈悲護生,以”觀音山素食料理簡單做”的理念,提供多款素食食譜,讓您一學就會!?
? This soup, composed of the savory potatoes and milk, and tenderly slimy kelp buds, is super nutritious and tastes incredibly amazing. Just can’t help but clean the plate up. Quickly follow the chef of Guanyinshan, let’s cook simple vegetarian food!
?Ingredients : (For 3 people)
▪️One or two potatoes
▪️Three packs of thick soup(per person)
▪️Milk 100cc
▪️Kelp buds 20g
▪️Black pepper , adequate amount
▪️Water 600cc
1. Peel and chop potatoes.
2. Soak kelp buds in water to soften.
【Cooking Steps】
1. Take a pot, add in potatoes and then pour in water that roughly over the potatoes. Then simmer until the potatoes are cooked through. Drain the potatoes and pour the water in another pot for later use.
2. Smash potatoes, add black pepper and mix well while it’s still hot. Take a tall pot & pour in suitable amount of potato water(from step one), milk, kelp buds, and soup powder. Stir evenly, and bring to a boil. 3. Put some mashed potatoes in a bowl, and pour over the thick soup. It’s ready to be served.
??This recipe is provided by chef JingYa, Taichung# guanyinshan Green restaurant.
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