▪️玉米粒 100克
▪️紅椒、黃椒 各70克
▪️西芹 50克
▪️乾香菇 20克
▪️白飯 500克
▪️市售濃湯粉 3包
▪️油 適量
1. 乾香菇泡軟後切絲,西芹、紅、黃椒切0.8公分丁。
1. 將蔬菜料:香菇、西芹、紅、黃椒、玉米粒依序炒香。
2. 加入適量的水、濃湯粉,攪拌均勻煮滾後,加入白飯拌炒均勻,中小火燉煮成濃稠狀即可。
??本食譜提供:台中 #觀音山蔬食館 主廚 淨雅
✨慈悲的 龍德上師成立「觀音山蔬食館」提倡健康素食、慈悲護生,以”觀音山素食料理簡單做”的理念,提供多款素食食譜,讓您一學就會!?
★8月28日 地藏王菩薩節日:善惡業增長1億倍
觀音山邀請您於8月28日 響應素食、廣修供養、戒殺護生、誦經修法、行持諸種善行,獲福無量。
? The creamy aroma and condensed taste of chowder is melding into rice while a variety of fresh vegetables is adding another layer of tastes for this risotto. This recipe deserves everyone’s attention and it’s a hard to resist dish. It’s also a very nice kickstart for a classic western-style cuisine. Quickly follow the chef of Guanyinshan and let’s cook simple vegetarian ccuisin together.
1. Soak dried shiitake mushrooms and shredded. Dice celery, red and yellow peppers into 0.8 cm.
【Cooking steps】
1. Saute all the vegetable ingredients: shiitake mushrooms, celery, red and yellow peppers, and corn kernels in sequence.
2. Add appropriate amount of water and thick soup powder, stir evenly and bring to a boil. Then add in rice, stir evenly, and simmer over medium and low heat until coating.
[Special instructions]
1. Both fresh-cut raw kernels or canned corn kernels works.
??This recipe is provided by Chef Jing Ya, Taichung Guanyinshan Green Restaurant
? 觀音山 素食料理簡單做 ?
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? 歡迎轉載,請註明出處: 觀音山 素食料理簡單做 GYSVegan 素食環保愛地球,健康營養無負擔,慈悲護生一起來~?