梨子有「百果之宗」的美稱,具有豐富的蛋白質、維生素B群等多種維生素,有潤肺、止咳之效,特別適合秋燥所引起的不適,搭配富有完全蛋白質的豆漿,絕對是斷食養生 的好飲品,加上些許薑末,從內到外溫暖你的心,快跟著觀音山主廚,一起素食料理簡單做吧!
梨子 1顆
薑末 15~20克
豆漿 500C.C
1. 梨子去皮切片。
本食譜提供:台中觀音山蔬食館 主廚 樂敏
慈悲的龍德上師 成立「觀音山蔬食館」提倡健康素食、慈悲護生,以”觀音山素食料理簡單做”的理念,提供多款素食食譜,讓您一學就會!
Pears earn a good reputation of “the origin of all fruits” by the ancients since they are fresh, juicy and felicitous. They are rich in protein, vitamin B complex and other vitamins. They have the effect of moistening the lungs, relieving coughs, and been considered as a suitable cure for autumn dryness. Moreover, in this recipe, soy milk is full of protein, which definitely makes a healthy good drink for #fasting. Add a final touch of ginger that warms your body and heart. Quickly follow the chef of Guanyinshan, let’s cook simple vegetarian dishes together!
◎Ingredients : (For 1 people)
A pear
Ginger 15~20g
Soy milk 500C.C
1. Peel and slice pears.
1. Put the ingredients in a blender and process until smooth.
2. Heat it up in a pot and then enjoy.
This recipe is provided by Chef Le Min, Taichung # Guanyinshan Green Restaurant
☆ 觀音山 素食料理簡單做 ☆
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