新年即將到來,推薦一道充滿喜氣的料理 ❖黃金富貴蒸旦 ❖,以高鈣、高蛋白的豆腐為主角,加入多種食材爆香提味,以及極具養生價值的薑黃粉。
▪️板豆腐 2塊
▪️榨菜 100克
▪️鮮香菇、猴頭菇 200克
▪️素蝦 3尾
▪️薑末 50克
▪️香菜梗 60克
▪️鹽、白胡椒、薑黃粉、油、香油 適量
慈悲的龍德上師 成立「觀音山蔬食館」提倡健康素食、慈悲護生,以”觀音山素食料理簡單做”的理念,提供多款素食食譜,讓您一學就會!
The New Year is around the corne. There’s a dish especially suitable for the festivity – golden rich steamed tofu. It uses tofu which is high calcium and high protein with a variety of ingredients sauteed with turmeric powder to enhance the flavor. Turmeric powder is also known by its high nutritional value.
Use the “steaming” cooking method to retain both the flavor and nutrition of the ingredients. The golden appearance is tempting. The taste is smooth, tender and delicious! It is a rich and auspicious New Year dish. Follow the chef of Guanyinshan, and let’s make vegetarian dishes together!
◎Ingredients : (For 5 people)
▪️Two pieces of hard beancurd
▪️Pickled mustard root 100g
▪️Shiitake mushroom、lion’s mane mushroom 200g
▪️Three vegan Shrimp
▪️Minced ginger 50g
▪️Coriander stems 60g
▪️Salt、White pepper、Turmeric powder、Oil、Sesame oil , adequate amount
◎ Instructions:
【Cutting/ PREP-Ahead】
1. Crush the tofu.
2. Mince the pickled mustard roots.
3. Cut the mushrooms into small cubes.
4. Slice lion’s mane mushroom.
5. Cut the vegetarian shrimps in halves.
【cooking Steps】
1. Heat the pan and sauté minced ginger, shiitake mushrooms and picked mustard roots until fragrant.
2. Mix step 1 with smashed tofu, coriander stems, and season with salt, white pepper, soy sauce, turmeric powder.
3. Spread the vegetarian shrimp and lion’s mane mushroom on the bottom of the container, pour in the ingredients mixed in step 2, and press down until firmly.
4. Steam over high heat for about 10 minutes, and then drizzle with a little sesame oil.
歡迎轉載,請註明出處: 觀音山 素食料理簡單做 GYSVegan 素食環保愛地球,健康營養無負擔,慈悲護生一起來~