▪️牛奶或豆漿 250cc
▪️大燕麥片(即沖即食) 70克
▪️蜂蜜 適量
✨慈悲的龍德上師 成立「觀音山蔬食館」提倡健康素食、慈悲護生,以”觀音山素食料理簡單做”的理念,提供多款素食食譜,讓您一學就會!
★10月7日~12月4日 佛陀天降月:善惡業增長10億倍
The oatmeal is high nutritional value. In this recipe, it is soaked in soy milk overnight to absorb the flavor and nutrition. It has a thick and rich taste, adding yogurt or any of your favorite fruits to make it more interesting. It’s incredibly easy as well as tasty! Fetch it out from the fridge, and breakfast is ready. Tired of rushing around to get breakfast done? Let’s start with this elegant breakfast at home. Quickly follow the chef of Guanyinshan and make vegetarian dishes together!
◎Ingredients : (For 3 people)
▪️Milk or soy milk 250cc
▪️Oatmeal 70g
▪️Honey , adequate amount
1. In a dry container, pour in a large amount of oatmeal, milk or soy milk, honey and stir evenly.
2. Refrigerate overnight and eat it the next morning.
3. You can add fruits or yogurt if you wish. Then, it’s time to enjoy!
[Special notes]
1. For vegans, milk can be replaced by soy milk.
This recipe is provided by Guanyinshan Green Restaurant, Taichung.
☆ 觀音山 素食料理簡單做 ☆
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