▪小黃瓜 500克
▪薑、辣椒 各50克
▪白砂糖、花椒油 各30克
▪烏醋、清醬油 各100C.C
▪鹽 15克
??本食譜提供:台中 觀音山蔬食館 主廚 淨雅
✨慈悲的 龍德上師成立「觀音山蔬食館」提倡健康素食、慈悲護生,以”觀音山素食料理簡單做”的理念,提供多款素食食譜,讓您一學就會!
★8月1日 「明淨月.大日如來節日」:善惡業增長1000萬x1億倍
觀音山邀請您於8月1日 響應素食、廣修供養、戒殺護生、誦經修法、行持諸種善行,獲福無量。
The crisp and delicious cucumber is one of a summer essential. A plate of pickled cucumber could be served as a perfect appetizer. It is rich in dietary fiber and vitamins, and boost immune system of the whole family. It is a summer must-have low-calorie light food. Follow chef of Guanyinshan, let’s cook simple vegetarian dishes together!
❒ Instructions:
【Cutting/PRE- ahead】
1. Wash the cucumber with drinking water, cut into strips and remove the seeds for later use.
2. Peel the ginger and slice it.
3. Cut the pepper into diagonal slices.
【Cooking Steps】
1. Add salt to the cucumbers, marinate them evenly and stand for an hour, then pour out the excess water.
2. Sauce: Saute ginger and chili; add seasonings (white sugar, black vinegar, clear soy sauce); bring the mixture to a boil, and then add pepper oil. Let it cool for later use.
3. Take a clean and moisture-free container, put the cucumbers in, and then pour the sauce in.
[Special notes]
1. Using a clean and moisture-free container, the pickled can be stored for up to a week in the fridge.
2. Cucumber detoxifies your body and ensure you stay cool from inside. It won’t aggravate your body or increase body heat, even if you consume a lot.
This recipe is provided by Chef Jing Ya, Taichung Guanyinshan Green Restaurant
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